The traditions, studies and international practice, prove that the inhalation of hot steams with or without the impurity of a medicine, helps the prevention and treatment of respiratory system diseases in hospitalization or home treatment. The device of application of the therapy is simple, easy to use, safe and affordable cost. This invention concerns a system with: 1) A inventive pipe - conductor of air, with an embodied safe system of electric points and power connections - cables for the supply of the nebulizer device with air and power simultaneously. 2) A nebulizer device that permits the simultaneous heating of the solution and nebula at 35-40�C via a temperature regulator. In addition it posses system which via the electromagnets or the mechanism opens and closes impellers or a silicone leaf and settles the provision of nebula towards the inhalation mask. 3) A mask of inhalations with conical channels that routes the expired air to the sensor and the inhaled nebula to the mouth and nasal cavity.