At the same time cheapness it can produce the micro needle on a mass production scale, new offer the production method of the micro needle.Is heated above the temperature where the temperature sensitivity substance which thermoplasticity it becomes deformed temperature of the jig becomes visco-plastic state, that jig is made to contact the temperature sensitivity substance, after that, by the fact that the jig and the temperature sensitivity substance are detached, the temperature sensitivity substance which it glues with the jig pulls and is extended and needle-shaped projection is formed. Ideally, the method of including process (i) below - (iv).Is set above the temperature where the temperature sensitivity substance which thermoplasticity it becomes deformed temperature of the (i) jig becomes visco-plastic state.The (ii) jig is made to contact the above-mentioned temperature sensitivity substance, the temperature sensitivity substance of the contact region is put in visco-plastic state.It detaches the (iii) jig and the temperature sensitivity substance, pulls the temperature sensitivity substance of visco-plastic state filamentous and extends.Stop or it detaches detaching the (iv) jig and the temperature sensitivity substance and cutting off the filamentous temperature sensitivity substance by making speed decelerate, it makes needle-shaped projection form.マイクロニードルを安価且つ量産規模で製造し得る、新規なマイクロニードルの製造方法を提供すること。治具の温度を熱塑性変形する温度感受性物質が粘塑性状態になる温度以上に加熱し、その治具を温度感受性物質に接触させ、その後、治具と温度感受性物質を引き離すことで、治具と接着した温度感受性物質が引き伸ばされて針状突起が形成される。好適には、以下の工程(i)~(iv)を含む方法。(i)治具の温度を熱塑性変形する温度感受性物質が粘塑性状態になる温度以上に設定する。(ii)治具を上記温度感受性物質に接触させ、接触部位の温度感受性物質を粘塑性状態にする。(iii)治具と温度感受性物質を引き離し、粘塑性状態の温度感受性物質を糸状に引き伸ばす。(iv)治具と温度感受性物質の引き離しを停止又は引き離し速度を減速させることにより、糸状の温度感受性物質を切断して、針状突起を形成させる。