The present invention relates to a controlling method for an endoscopy catheter combined with a simultaneous control of a magnetic field, a feeding and a rotation of the catheter, and is used in the minimally invasive surgery, so that the front end head of the endoscopy catheter can rapidly and accurately head toward a lesion. The endoscopy catheter has a magnetic front end, and the magnetic front end has a plurality of bendable sections and a magnetic element. In accordance with a target location, a magnetic field is exerted on the magnetic front end of the magnetic element. Further, after the magnetic field is exerted, the magnitude, direction or position of the magnetic field may be changed. Then, based on the target position, the endoscopy catheter is controlled by the bending directions of the plurality of bendable sections so as to generate the motions of feeding and rotation. Finally, the magnetic front end can correctly head toward target position via controlling the exerting magnetic field, the feeding and rotation of the endoscopy catheter simultaneously.本發明為一種結合磁場及導管進給、旋轉同步控制之內視鏡導管操控方法,其目的在於內視鏡微創手術時,使內視鏡導管前側端頭能夠快速及精準的朝向病灶。所述內視鏡導管有一磁性前端,該磁性前端有ㄧ多節式彎曲區段以及ㄧ磁性元件。根據一目標位置,在該磁性前端之磁性元件位置處施加一磁場,或進一步在施加該磁場後,改變該磁場的大小、方向或位置,並且根據該目標位置以及該多節式彎曲區段之可彎曲方向,控制該內視鏡導管產生進給、旋轉等動作。透過外加磁場、內視鏡導管之進給與旋轉三者之同步控制,使該磁性前端能確實朝向該目標位置。(1)...內視鏡導管(11)...磁性前端(111)...多節式彎曲區段(112)...磁性元件(2)...目標位置(3)...磁場