A light source unit that simultaneously emits RGB three-color low-coherent light, irradiates the object to be measured with RGB three-color low-coherent light, and detects interference light from the reflected light and reference light for each RGB color. In the optical coherence tomographic imaging apparatus that generates the coherent tomographic image, the image generation unit calculates an attenuation-related value related to signal attenuation in the first depth region of the interference light signal intensities of the R, G, and B colors. A correction processing unit that corrects the signal intensity of the second depth region deeper than the first depth region according to the attenuation-related value to obtain a correction signal of interference light, and obtains R, G, and B respectively. A full-color optical coherence tomographic image is generated using the corrected signal.RGB三色の低コヒーレント光を同時に射出する光源部を備え、RGB三色の低コヒーレント光を測定対象に照射して、その反射光と参照光による干渉光をRGB色毎に検出しフルカラーの光干渉断層画像を生成する光干渉断層画像撮像装置において、画像生成部が、R,G,B三色の干渉光信号強度の、第1の深さ領域での信号減衰に関する減衰関連値を算出し、第1の深さ領域よりも深い第2の深さ領域の信号強度を減衰関連値に応じて補正して干渉光の補正信号を求める補正処理部を備え、R,G、Bについてそれぞれ求められた補正信号を用いてフルカラーの光干渉断層画像を生成する。