This present utility model relates to a process of macropropagating Saba banana (Musa balbisiana) using Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP) and misting system, following the steps of: harvesting of corms from healthy sword suckers, removing of roots of the corms, then washing them with soapy water, disinfecting of corms using 40 pcnt hypochlorite solution for 15 minutes, removing of outer sheaths to expose axillary buds using sterilized sharp knives; cutting transversely the exposed apical meristem and axillary buds of the mother corm 2 cm above the rhizome collar region, removing of apical meristem and leaving a cavity of 2 cm diameter and 4 cm depth to suppress the apical dominance and induce sprouting, soaking of corms in Benzyl Amino Purine at 2.0 mg/1 solution for 12 hours, planting of corms to the prepared propagators, constructing of three concrete propagators inside a glasshouse with each propagator measuring 1m wide, 6m long, and 1m high, then filling up with the prepared soil media with 1:1 ratio of sandy loam soil and decomposed rice hull, sterilized with hot water and cooled down for 24 hours, installing of computer-controlled misting system in the propagators, then setting of the misting system at 5-minute misting duration with 2 hours interval and to operate for 8 hours a day at nominal operating pressure of 14.22 psi.