Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Кубанский государственный аграрный университет" (RU)
Марченко Алексей Юрьевич (RU),Серга Георгий Васильевич (RU)
Mixer for bulk materials comprising a frame and mounted thereon a rotatably drum consisting of sections, and a drive, characterized in that the drum is mounted in sections serially connected to each other by length of the drum with their end openings in the form of polygons, each of the sections assembled from two subsections, a first subsection is mounted on the perimeter of an even (at least four) identical first isosceles triangles alternately connected at their sides to the sides not less four identical second isosceles triangles whose bases longer base of the first four isosceles triangles, with the formation of small and large end openings in the form of polygons, and the second subsection is assembled from alternately connected along the perimeter of at least four identical equilateral triangles with sides equal to the base of the second isosceles triangles first subsection with the sides of at least four identical isosceles triangles with an apex angle 90 ° to form a small and large end openings in the form of polygons, and a large end opening of the polygon first subsection is equal to the small end opening into a polygon second subsection, the subsection connected to one another in sections with their end openings in the form of polygons, and the entire length of the drum is mounted a conical spring form the planar coils and windings direction opposite to the direction of rotation of the drum, which is equipped with means for changing theСмеситель сыпучих материалов, содержащий станину и установленный на ней, с возможностью вращения барабан, состоящий из секций, и привод, отличающийся тем, что барабан смонтирован из секций, поочередно соединенных друг с другом по длине барабана своими торцевыми отверстиями в виде многоугольников, каждая из секций собрана из двух подсекций, первая подсекция по периметру смонтирована из четного (не менее четырех) одинаковых первых равнобедренных треугольников, поочередно соединенных своими боковыми сторонами с боковыми сторо