An attenuated strain of cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) is usefultoprotect cucumber plants from infection with the wild-type infectious CGMMVstrain. Thegenome of the attenuated virus contains at least one mutation or group ofmutationsselected from c.4969G>;A, c.3334C>;T, and a group of at least six of themutationsc.315G>;A; c.1498A>;G; c.1660C>;T; c.3430C>;T; c.3528A>;G; c.4144C>;T; c.4248C>;T;and c.6228C>;T. These mutated genomes encode one or more mutations selectedfromR1637H in the 186 kDa readthrough replication protein, A1092V in the 129 kDareplication protein and/or the 186 kDa readthrough replication protein, and atleast sixmutations selected from G86S, E480G, S534F, A1124V, N1157D, P1362L, P1397S inthe 129 kDa replication protein and/or the 186 kDa readthrough replicationprotein, andthe A156V mutation in the coat protein.