Иванов Сергей Анатольевич (RU),Кенарская Мария Викторовна (RU),Горбунова Светлана Владимировна (RU)
The utility model relates to the field of medicine, in particular to abdominal surgery and is a nasogastrointestinal probe for intubation of the small intestine in conditions of abdominal compartment syndrome.The technical result of the proposed utility model is to enable intubation of the small intestine.A nasogastrointestinal disposable probe with aspiration apertures, a distal and proximal end, having an adapter with leads, characterized in that the probe is made of silicone, while its distal end is connected to the silicone olive by means of a steel spring acting on the compression-stretching and being in a cylindrical rubber cover whose diameter exceeds the diameter of the probe and olive On the whole surface of the olive tree at an angle of 60 ° in the proximal direction there are setae At the distal end of the olive tree there is an LED working from the batteries located in it, separated from each other by a polymer conductive tape protruding from the olive to the outside in the cavity of the probe passes the Bowden cable, one end of which is connected to the proximal end of the olive, and the other is fixed to the eccentric of the nonlinear motor the proximal end of the probe has an adapter with leads Aspiration of intestinal contents is carried out through the first lead, the second lead has a valve that regulates the power of the aspiration pump Through the third lead of the adapter comes the Bowden-rope.Полезная модель относится к области медицины, в частности к абдоминальной хирургии и представляет собой назогастроинтестинальный зонд для интубации тонкой кишки в условиях абдоминального компартмент - синдрома.Технический результат предлагаемой полезной модели заключается в обеспечении возможности интубации тонкой кишки.Назогастроинтестинальный одноразовый зонд с аспирационными отверстиями, дистальным и проксимальным концом, имеющий переходник с отведениями, отличающийся тем, что зонд выполнен из силикона, при этом его дистальный конец соединен с силиконов