The present invention relates to a tooth root implant with different surface treatment areas. The tooth root implant includes a coarse thread area, a dense thread area, a collar portion, a top end portion, and a coupling hole, wherein the coarse thread area is composed of threads with wider thread pitch, of which a surface is processed with sandblasting process and then processed with etching process treatment, and the surface is distributed with holes of different sizes the dense thread area is composed of threads with narrower thread pitch, of which a surface is processed with etching process and distributed with numerous tiny holes thereafter the collar portion is located at an upper edge of the dense thread area, of a surface is processed with etching process and distributed with numerous tiny holes thereafter the top end portion is located at the uppermost edge of the tooth root implant, of which a surface is processed with etching process and distributed with numerous tiny holes thereafter and the coupling hole is located at an inner edge of the top end portion, and is a blind hole provided with a positioning surface and an inner thread.本發明為一種具不同表面處理區域之牙根植體,該牙根植體包括有粗螺牙區、密螺牙區、頸圈部、頂端部及結合孔所構成,其中,粗螺牙區係由螺距較寬之螺牙所組成,表面首先經由噴砂製程後,再經由酸蝕製程處理,其表面分佈著大小不同的孔洞;密螺牙區係由螺距較窄之螺牙所組成,該密螺牙區的表面則施以酸蝕製程,經過酸蝕製程後的表面會分佈眾多微小的孔洞;頸圈部位於密螺牙區的上緣處,其表面經過酸蝕製程,經過酸蝕製程後的表面會分佈眾多微小的孔洞;頂端部位於牙根植體的最上緣處,其表面經過酸蝕製程,經過酸蝕製程後的表面會分佈眾多微小的孔洞;結合孔位於頂端部之內緣,該結合孔為一設有定位面及內螺紋之盲孔。1‧‧‧牙根植體10‧‧‧粗螺牙區20‧‧‧密螺牙區30‧‧‧頸圈部40‧‧‧頂端部50‧‧‧結合孔