The invention relates to agriculture, in particular to a process for cultivation of farm crops and to an agricultural unit for implementation thereof. The invention task is aimed at enhancing effectiveness of zero technology of growing agricultural crops, reducing power and labor consumption due to combining and changing the sequence of technological operations for one pass of advanced agricultural machine. The process for cultivation of farm crops includes direct sowing with closing sown furrow, fertilizing, treating by pesticides, harvesting and separating the harvest into marketable and non-marketable yield portions, chopping the none-marketable yield portion and its even distribution over field surface, wherein harvesting, direct sowing with closing sown furrow, separating harvest into marketable and non-marketable yield portions, chopping the none-marketable yield portion and its even distribution over field surface of mowed and sown field is carried out for one pass of an agricultural machine. For implementing the method an agricultural unit is used comprising a self-propelled chassis on which a technological equipment is arranged including a header mounted in front of the machine, plowshares behind the header in front of the chassis mounted on the frame or a beam, the plowshears have sowing branch pipes, working organs behind the plowshares for closing furrows, equipment for separating harvest into marketable and non-marketable yield portions, a hoper for the marketable portion, a chopper of non-marketable yield portion, at least one bin for seeds and, if necessary, at least one bin for fertilizers.Изобретение относится к сельскому хозяйству, в частности к способам возделывания сельхозкультур и устройствам для их осуществления. Задача - повышение эффективности нулевой технологии возделывания сельскохозяйственных культур, снижение энергетических и трудовых затрат на производство работ за счет совмещения и изменения последовательности технологических операций,