The invention relates to a device that optimises condom use by complementing its function as a contraceptive and as prevention against sexually transmitted diseases (STD). There is a serious and frequent problem whereby the ring of the condom tends to roll up during the sexual act, exposing the base of the penis, sometimes even half of the penis, and it is even very common for the condom to come off completely with friction, the condom being left inside the vagina and causing contact of fluids, unwanted pregnancies and/or STDs. In addition, the condom only covers the penis, leaving the pelvis, groin, testicles and labia exposed and contact between these areas and vaginal fluids is a common way for STDs to be contracted. The novel aspect of this invention solves this problem, since it keeps the ring (of any male condom) in place, as it comprises a securing ring including a concave gripping means (acting as fingers retaining the condom). This device is held even more firmly because the perimeter thereof is connected as one piece to a perigenital protector which, being semi-rigid and held firmly between the two bodies, preserves the attachment and effectiveness of the whole device in general. It is worth mentioning that this product is novel, healthy, hygienic, functional, portable and economical.Dispositivo que optimiza el uso del condón complementando su función como anticonceptivo y preventivo de enfermedades de transmisión sexual (ETS) Existe una problemática grave y frecuente: el anillo del condón con el acto sexual tiende a retroceder dejando al descubierto la base del pene, a veces la mitad del pene, e incluso es muy común que con la fricción se salga totalmente dejando el condón en el fondo de la vagina provocando contacto de fluidos, embarazos no deseados y/o ETS. Además el condón solo cubre el pene dejando expuestos: pelvis, ingles, testículos y labios vaginales; y al hacer contacto todo esto con los fluidos vaginales es la manera común de contagiarse las ETS