Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Азово-Черноморская государственная агроинженерная академия" (ФГБОУ ВПО АЧГАА) (RU)
Краснов Иван Николаевич (RU),Краснова Александра Юрьевна (RU),Лебедько Денис Андреевич (RU)
1. An apparatus for the pasteurization of liquid products having a hydrodynamic heater and comprising a stator with mounted therein to form a tapered rotor gap, on the outer surface of the rotor is formed a set of cells arranged in rows along a helical line on the inner surface of the stator are made similar cell, also located on the screw line, but with a different pitch of rows of cells in the stator housing is formed corresponding to the length of the rotor axisymmetric annular cavity communicates with cellular devices operating part a hole in the heating zone of the product to the pasteurization temperature, characterized in that the cell conical surfaces of the rotor and the stator are made hemispherical shape whose diameter gradually increases from the smallest to the largest base of the cone and the housing of the stator are made corresponding to the length of the rotor axisymmetric annular cavity regenerator and cooler defined therein and communicating the heat exchange elements in series with vyderzhivatelem, wherein the cavity of the heat exchange elements connected at regen Rathore - from entering the device and pasteurized product yield in the working gap of the hydrodynamic heater, while cooling - with coolant inlet and outlet on its sliv.2. The apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the cells of the conical rotor and stator at their joints with a gap formed as through holes in a zone of contact and have a semi-cylindrical or semi-conical formu.3. The apparatus according to claim 2, characterized in that the conical rotor and stator cell formed at an angle to form a helical lopastey.4 therebetween. In1. Устройство для пастеризации жидких продуктов, имеющее гидродинамический нагреватель и содержащее статор с установленным в нем с образованием зазора коническим ротором, на наружной поверхности ротора выполнен набор ячеек, расположенных рядами по винтовой линии, на внутренней поверхности статора выполнены аналогичные ячейки, расположенные та