Osteosynthesis plate assembly includes a plate member having an upper (1a) and lower (1b), an upper at least one hole extending from (1a) to the lower (1b) (2), is arranged in the hole that insert (3) and a, insert has a through hole (31), the guide member into the through-hole of such insert (4) is arranged removably, the guide member guide path (40) and having an inner wall portion (32) and engages the outer surface portion of the through hole so as to permit pivotal movement of the insert in the guide member (31) (41). Insert has an inner surface portion of the spherical cooperating with an outer surface portion of the spherical guide member. .FIELD 1骨接合プレート組立品は、上側(1a)および下側(1b)を有するプレート部材と、上側(1a)から下側(1b)まで延びる少なくとも1個の孔(2)と、この孔に配置される挿入物(3)とを含み、挿入物は貫通孔(31)を有し、かかる挿入物の貫通孔にはガイド部材(4)が取り外し可能に配置され、ガイド部材はガイド通路(40)および挿入物内でガイド部材の旋回運動を許容するように貫通孔(31)の内壁部分(32)と係合する外側表面部分(41)を有する。挿入物は、ガイド部材の球状の外側表面部分と協働する球状の内側表面部分を有する。【選択図】図1