A useful model refers to electronics, namely devices for sound reproduction of messages to inform people, including those with visual impairments.The technical result of the proposed utility model is to improve the reliability of the device.The sound informator comprises a housing, a control unit, a memory unit (information message storage unit, warning message storage unit, voltage threshold storage unit), voltage measuring unit, comparison unit, power supply, speaker, digital-to-analog converter (hereinafter - DAC) one or more pushbutton switches. Also, the sound informer can contain a receiver, a motion sensor, a microphone, an analog-to-digital converter (hereinafter referred to as an ADC), one or more connectors.If it is necessary to obtain information, the user acts on the button switch, which provides a signal to the control unit about the reproduction of the information message. The direction of the signal for the reproduction of the information message can be made without the users direct influence on the device, for example, when recording movement near the device by a motion sensor. After receiving a signal about the need to reproduce the information message, the control unit sends control signals to the information message storage unit, as well as the voltage measuring unit, the comparison unit and the voltage threshold storage unit. In this case, from the information message storage unit to the DAC, a digital signal corresponding to the data of the information message file is transmitted. After converting the specified digital signal to an electrical DAC, the resulting electrical signal is sent to the speaker, which converts the electrical signal into mechanical vibrations (sound waves). At the same time, an information message sounds from the speaker.Полезная модель относится к электронике, а именно к устройствам звукового воспроизведения сообщений для информирования людей, в том числе с дефектами зрения.Техническим результатом предлагаемой полезной мо