A solution for diagnostic applications is proposed. Particularly, acorresponding diagnostic system includes means(903-906) for providing (A1 -A3) a plurality of input signals representativeof a body-part being perfused with a contrast agentover time, each input signal being indicative of a response to aninterrogating stimulus of a corresponding location of the body-partpossibly including the contrast agent, means (909-930) for generating (A4.1-A4.3) a plurality of filtered signals from selectedinput signals of selected locations, each filtered signal at each instant overtime being generated from a corresponding selectedinput signal according to a portion of the selected input signal includingsaid instant, and means (933-939) for monitoring (A4.4-A4.6)each filtered signal to detect a peak in the response to the interrogationstimulus of the corresponding selected location, thepeak being detected in response to the fulfillment of a stability condition bya corresponding portion of the filtered signal.