In the present invention, provided is a scoop net, which enables users to fast catch fish caught in a net in an easy manner. Also, in the present invention, provided is a scoop net, which prevents caught fish from escaping from the net having a stream of water, comprising a pocket shaped net body (10B) which has an opening hole; a frame body (20) which has and maintains the opening hole of the net body (10B); a grip part (40) in which fishermen hold; and a connection hole (30B) which is connected to the grip part (40) and the frame body (20).本發明提供一種撈網,釣客容易進行迅速地抓住取入到網的內部的魚之動作。具體上,一種撈網,包含:具有開口之袋狀的網體(10B),與保持該網體(10B)的開口之框體(20),與釣客握住用之手柄(40),與連接該手柄(40)與前述框體(20)之連接具(30B)。網體(10B)包含:以對該網體(10B)的開口成略直角的方式由開口連續之框體近旁部(11);成由該框體近旁部(11)朝與開口相反方向將與開口平行的平面的面積收攏的形狀之傾斜部(12);由該傾斜部(12)朝與開口相反方向且比傾斜部(12)所形成的傾斜角度大之收納部(13B);以及將與該收納部(13B)中的開口相反側閉塞之底部(14B)。該底部(14B)在平面視中成橫尺寸比長度方向的縱尺寸短的窄幅形狀,並且使底部的長度方向以不與藉由框體(20)形成的假想平面平行的方式傾斜。