1. Materials and methods for binding soluble water polymers to oxidized carbohydrates of therapeutic proteins, including binding the oxidized carbohydrates part to the active water polymers, provided that binding is permitted. Among them, the soluble polymer contains active amino oxi group and forms oxygen or water nitrous linkage between oxidized carbohydrate and amino oxi group in the soluble polymer,Moreover, when the binding is carried out with a nucleic acid catalyst, claim 1: a method for combining soluble water polymer with oxidized carbohydrate for protein treatment, which is characterized in that the oxidized carbohydrate part is combined with an active water-soluble polymer. Conditions allowing copolymers; the soluble polymer contains an active amino acid group and is selected from the polyethylene (PEG) group,PEG ramificado PolyPEG (Warwick Effect Polymers Coventry Reino Unido)Polyacrylic acid (PSA)Starch, hydroxy starch (has),Hydroxyacyl starch (HES)Carbohydrates, polyurethane, polyurethane, octopus, thyroid, hyaluronic acid, condoritina sulfate, dematan sulfate, starch, dextrano, carboximetil dextrano, nitrous oxide (PAO),Poly tar cabbage (PAG)Polypropylene glycol (PPG),Polyamide, polyacrylonitrile, polyethylene (PVA),Polycarbonate, polyethylene irroridona, polyphosphate, polyamide, polyethylene co anhydride, polystyrene co acetic anhydride, polyurethane (1-hydroxymethylformal) (Philippines)2-methylacrylonitrile-2 rsqoe; - ethylmethylammonium (MPC);This part consists of carbohydrate oxidized by incubator, with a buffer device, which includes an oxidant selected from the group consisting of periodic sodium (nalo4),4. Lead tetraacetate (OAC) 4 and perrutenato de potasio (kruo4) form an oxygen linkage between the oxidized carbohydrate and the active oxi group; In this case, oxygen coupling forms a catalyst through a nucleic acid catalyst selected from the group, which includes o-aminobenzoico acid, m-aminobenzoico acid, p-aminobenzoico acid, sulfuric acid