A haptic (30, 50, 59, 69, 89) is provided for use in an accommodating intraocularlens. The haptic has multiple filaments, each connected to the edge of the optic(28,48,58,68,88,98,108) at one end. Each filament has a shape that conformsto an equatorial region of the capsular bag (18). The haptic couples the forcesexerted by the capsular bag of the eye (10) during accommodation radially to theedge of the optic, produce a diametric expansion or compression of the optic.This diametric motion distorts the optic, producing a change in any or all of theanterior radius, the posterior radius, and the thickness. These changes affectthe power of the lens and/or location of the image. The haptic may optionally havea thin membrane (66) joining the filaments at the optic end, and may optionallyhave a connecting ring (62) that joins the filaments at the end opposite that ofthe optic.