The present invention provides a pet foot washing device, which mainly comprises a device body for receiving a washing module and a drying module therein. The washing module is provided with a bubble generator and a water washing assembly, which provide with water and lots of bubbles for water washing operation on pet foot. The drying module comprises a rotating member for driving a wiping assembly reciprocally rotating within a certain range. The wiping assembly provides the airflow and has several water absorption members for blowing off water and drying operation on pet foot. Thus, the present invention provides a pet foot washing device for general home use and achieves dual efficacies of pet foot washing and drying.一種寵物用洗腳裝置,主要包括一裝置本體可供一清洗模組以及一乾燥模組容設其中,該清洗模組具有一氣泡產生器及一水洗組件,可提供有水液及無數氣泡,對寵物腳部進行以水液洗滌之動作者;而該乾燥模組其係包含有一轉動件,可帶動一擦乾組件在一定範圍內來回轉動,該擦乾組件提供氣流吹送以及具有若干吸水件,可對寵物腳部上之水液進行吹除以及擦乾之動作;據以提供一種可於一般居家使用,得同時對寵物腳部進行清洗以及擦乾之雙重功效者。1...裝置本體11、12...容置槽113...穿設孔3...清洗模組31...氣泡產生器311...輸入端312...輸出端32...馬達33...水洗組件34...外桶35...內桶36...孔洞5...乾燥模組51...第二轉動件53...擦乾組件54...烘乾槽55...底盤56...吸水件57...出風口7...送風裝置