A method for inhibiting a cellular glycolysis process and an applicationthereof. The methodis using reductive selenium dioxide, selenite or formic acid, formate, oxalicacid, oxalate,sulfur-containing reducing agent, and the like to inhibit a hydrogen cyclicprocess required in a redoxreaction in the cellular glycolysis process. The application comprises : tumorprevention andtreatment by applying different reducing agents by means of injection, oraladministration,external application, spraying, or fumigation; prevention and treatment ofdigestive tractinflammation and tumors by means of oral administration; inhibition of ametabolic process ofanaerobes and facultative anaerobes, where the reductive selenium dioxide,selenite, formic acid,formate, arid the like are used as one of the active ingredients oringredients of a fungicide; anddisease prevention and antioxidation of fresh goods, food, fish and meat,vegetables and fruits,natural perfume, natural cosmetics, detergents, skin care products, and dailysanitary products,maintaining of human redox equilibrium, preservation and fresh-keeping, orrelated health carefield. Problem caused by acidity of the body fluid can be solved by usingalkaline sodiumcarbonate, which is the product of sodium formate and sodium oxalate aftermetabolism.