The RNA interference which obstructs the revelation of the connective tissue growth factor mRNA in the eye disease which accompanies CTGF revelation is presented. Glaucoma, yellow spot denaturation and the diabetes retina symptom, the choroid coat blood vessel new life, the vegetating vitreous body retina symptom, and healing of wound are included in the eye obstacle which accompanies abnormal CTGF revelation. That kind of obstacle remedies by prescribing the interference RNA of this invention. Execution form of this invention offers the method of being attenuated the revelation of connective tissue growth factor mRNA in the eye of the suffering body. This method two these chains which possess length 19 - 49 nucleotides (ds) the siRNA or one chain (ss) consists of the fact that the composition which includes the effective quantity of the interference RNA like siRNA and the carrier which is allowed pharmacy is prescribed to the eye of the suffering body.CTGF発現を伴う眼疾患における結合組織増殖因子mRNAの発現を阻害するRNA干渉が提示される。異常CTGF発現を伴う眼障害には、緑内障、黄斑変性、糖尿病網膜症、脈絡膜血管新生、増殖性硝子体網膜症、及び創傷治癒が含まれる。そのような障害は、本発明の干渉RNAを投与することによって治療される。本発明の実施形態は、被験体の眼において結合組織増殖因子mRNAの発現を減衰させる方法を提供する。この方法は、長さ19~49個のヌクレオチドを有する二本鎖(ds)siRNA又は一本鎖(ss)siRNAのような干渉RNAの有効量及び薬学的に許容される担体を含む組成物を被験体の眼に投与することからなる。