A removable porous stent is disclosed which can be placed in tubular structures. It can be placed at locations which are unsuitable for permanent stents like across important branches in the vasculature preferably in combination with anticoagulation. The walls of the stent are freely permeable for the blood flow. A temporary stent can be used during treatment of dissections with involvement of side branches. The dissected membrane is relocated to its original place and held in place by the stent until the healing process has reattached the membrane. At this point the stent will be removed. The removable stent can also be used as a carrier of chemotherapy and/or radiation to be placed in tubular structures for local treatment of cancer. The time for treatment is controlled and finished at removal. This approach will give the possibility to increase dosages and reduce side effects. The stent is formed by at least one continuous thread arranged in interconnected loops and having a reversible bind off at one end of the tubular body mechanically securing each loop at said end of the tubular body apart from a single releasable loop. This loop is preferably extended beyond the tubular structure of the stent enabling an initiation of the removal at a distance from the treatment site.