Котельников Геннадий Петрович (RU),Дягилев Анатолий Васильевич (RU),Измалков Сергей Николаевич (RU)
The invention relates to medicine, namely to traumatology and orthopedics. The purpose of the utility model is to optimize the design of the device, the availability of its production, improving repositioned in properties, increase the therapeutic effect by reducing the duration of the surgery. The apparatus comprises a support in the form of half-frames made of 3-metallic strips connected by welding at a right angle, the spokes 3 mm and rods 4 mm metric thread over their entire length, the bar rail made of metal strip comprising scale in mm retainer made of U-shaped staples perpendicularly interconnected by welding, with locking screws in their side walls. Bottom bracket height is twice the top. On the bottom wall of the bracket affixed scale in mm. The proposed utility model is used as follows. After anaesthetization and handling limb skin manual or electric drills, depending on the diameter of the bone is carried needles or rods through the proximal and distal bone fragments. Spokes and rods secured and tensioned by means of nuts. After the upper clamp bracket is held bar rail. Locking screws to secure the latches of proximal fragment poluramy whereas fastening semiframes fragment distally performed after reponirovaniya. Catchers apparatus allow metered reponirovanie bone fragments in all respects. The presence of scales on the half-frames, the bar-rail clamps improves rayoniruyuschie machine properties. The proposed device should be used in traumatology and orthopedics, as well as in the medical unit at the Ministry of Emergency Situations massive influx of victims. 3, n. 3 F Fig.Полезная модель относится к области медицины, а именно к травматологии и ортопедии. Целью создания полезной модели является оптимизация конструкции аппарата, доступности ее изготовления, улучшение репонирующих свойств, повышение лечебного эффекта путем снижения продолжительности оперативного вмешательства. Аппарат содержит опоры в виде полурам, изготовленных из 3-х металлических полосок