A device for restraining a guide wire includes a base having a recessedformationconfigured to receive a portion of the guide wire, and a flexible lidconfigured to fit on the base.The lid has a main sheet portion covering the portion of the guide wire and aplurality of fingersseparated by gaps and extending downwardly from a peripheral edge of the mainsheet portionto surround the base. Sandwiched between the lid and base, the guide wireextends throughgaps between the finger members. Constructed of sheet material, the lid isflexibly movablebetween a closed configuration wherein the fingers are flexed inwardlyengaging the base, andan open configuration wherein the fingers are flexed outwardly releasing thebase.Alternatively, a clamping device for restraining a guide wire includes top andbottom clampmembers and a pivot connection, wherein the top clamp member has a handle endand asecuring end and wherein the pivot connection enables the top clamp member topivot betweena closed position restraining the guide wire and an open position releasingthe guide wire.