Ветров Игорь Анатольевич (RU),Шевалдин Александр Михайлович (RU)
The invention relates to the diagnosis of psycho-physiological state of a person in the course of professional activity, and can be used to determine the level of wakefulness operator in man-machine systems, in particular the operators of ships on watch or drivers of vehicles.Asking telemetric control of wakefulness of the driver of the vehicle system comprises a receiver connected by radio telemetry and three sensor to determine two GSR having electrodes for providing electrical contact with the skin of the driver, and a pulse detector having light and photodiode system also includes a signal processing and control associated with a display device. Each sensor has an analog-digital converter, the output of which is connected to a transmitter with antenna transmitters of remote sensors and a receiver arranged to transmit and receive individual signals from each of the sensors, and signals and a control processing unit configured to summing the signals from the sensors in real mode time. Telemetry sensors are located on the wrist and finger (fingers) of an operator and can be performed in the form of a bracelet (or a wristwatch) and the ring, as well as a glove or a part thereof. The invention allows to expand the area of use by providing a control system functional state operators throughout waking scale levels from dormancy to overstimulation (stress).Изобретение относится к технике диагностики психофизиологического состояния человека в процессе профессиональной деятельности, и может использоваться для определения уровня бодрствования оператора в системах человек-машина, в частности вахтенных операторов морских судов или водителей транспортных средств.Предложенная телеметрическая система контроля бодрствования водителя транспортного средства, содержит связанные по радиоканалу приемник и три телеметрических датчика, два для определения кожно-гальванической реакции, имеющие электроды для обеспечения электрического контакта с кожей водителя, и датчик пульса, имеющий