1. An absorbent structure with a sequence of layers, comprising at least one liquid absorbing layer, one subsequent liquid retaining layer with an SAP superabsorbent polymer, preferably with SAP particles and / or SAP fibers, and one subsequent liquid distributing layer, the layers connected and form a layered structure, where at least the liquid retaining layer and the liquid distributing layer, at least possibly include an air-laid layer comprising cellulose fibers as the main composition part, wherein the region of the pneumatically deposited material in the liquid distribution layer has narrower pores than the region of the pneumatically deposited material in the liquid retaining layer, and where the liquid retaining layer includes a superabsorbent polymer, in particular SAP particles, which are introduced from the liquid retaining layer into the liquid distribution a layer for creating a liquid re-absorption effect, which, through a liquid absorbing layer and a liquid retaining layer, enters the liquid distribution layer. 2. An absorbent structure according to claim 1, characterized in that the liquid-absorbing layer includes pneumatically laid material. An absorbent structure according to claim 1, characterized in that the liquid absorbing layer includes thermoplastic fibers. The absorbent structure according to claim 2, characterized in that the liquid absorbing layer includes thermoplastic fibers. The absorbent structure according to claim 3 or 4, characterized in that the liquid absorbing layer includes a bulky nonwoven material made of thermoplastic fibers. The absorbent structure according to claim 1, characterized in that the absorption1. Абсорбирующая структура с последовательностью слоев, включающая, по меньшей мере, один поглощающий жидкость слой, один последующий удерживающий жидкость слой с суперабсорбентным полимером SAP, предпочтительно с SAP-частицами и/или SAP-волокнами, и один последующий распределяющий жидкость слой, причем слои соединены и об