An ultrasound treatment appliance comprising a surgical handpiece, an ultrasound insert, and an ultrasound generator, the handpiece including a piezoelectric transducer (220) connected to the ultrasound insert and a piezoelectric motor connected to the ultrasound generator. The piezoelectric motor transmits ultrasound waves to the insert, which waves are defined as a function of current and voltage setpoint signals (Sciu) delivered by the ultrasound generator to the piezoelectric motor. The appliance also includes a module (320) for controlling the amplitudes of the setpoint signals and configured to increase or decrease the amplitudes of the current and voltage setpoint signals (Sciu) when the variation in the impedance of the ultrasound signal is greater than a predetermined impedance variation value and when the variation in the frequency of the ultrasound signal is greater than or less than the predetermined frequency variation value.本發明揭示一種超音波處理設備,其包括一外科手術手持件、一超音波嵌件及一超音波產生器,該手持件包含連接至該超音波嵌件之一壓電傳感器(220)及連接至該超音波產生器之一壓電馬達。該壓電馬達將超音波傳輸至該嵌件,該等波被定義為依據由該超音波產生器遞送至該壓電馬達之電流及電壓設定點信號(Sciu)而變化。該設備亦包含一模組(320),該模組(320)用於控制該等設定點信號之振幅且經組態以當該超音波信號之阻抗之變動大於一預定阻抗變動值時且當該超音波信號之頻率之變動大於或小於預定頻率變動值時,增大或減小該等電流及電壓設定點信號(Sciu)之該等振幅。