An applicator according to an embodiment for applying microneedles to the skin comprises a resistant part which provides a resistance to progression of a microneedle sheet having the multiple microneedles formed along a main face of the sheet, and a curving part which raises the microneedles from the main face by curving the microneedle sheet that has passed through the resistant part.本發明之一實施形態的微型針貼片施作器,是用以將貼片構件適用於皮膚的微型針貼片施作器,並具備:本體,其係具備有與皮膚相向的底面、以及第1導引部,其係用以將貼片構件導引往皮膚與底面之間的空間。貼片構件,係在空間中折彎之後適用於皮膚。