According to the present disclosure, a neurosteroid injectable nanoparticle composition comprising nanoparticles characterized by a D50 of less than 2000 nm is provided, the nanoparticles containing a neurosteroid according to formula I — where the variables R-R and X are defined herein and at least one surface stabilizer. The surface stabilizer may be a polymeric surface stabilizer, such as hydroxyethyl starch, dextran or povidone. The injectable composition of the neurosteroid nanoparticles may be an intravenous formulation. According to the present disclosure, a lyophilized powder of an injection composition of neurosteroid nanoparticles is also provided, which can be diluted in an aqueous solution before administration. According to the present disclosure, neurosteroid nanoparticle injection formulations and dry powders of such formulations that have been sterilized by electron beam irradiation are provided. According to the present disclosure, a method for treating a patient characterized by the presence of an epileptic disorder, stroke, or traumatic brain damage is provided, comprising administering an effective amount of an injection composition of neurosteroid nanoparticles. According to the present disclosure, combined methods are also contemplated in which the injection composition of the neurosteroid nanoparticles is the first active agent that is administered in combination with at least one additional active agent.Согласно настоящему раскрытию предусмотрен инъекционный состав наночастиц нейростероида, содержащий наночастицы, характеризующиеся D50, составляющим меньше чем 2000 нм, причем наночастицы содержат нейростероид согласно формуле Iгде переменные R1-R9 и X определены в настоящем документе, и по меньшей мере один поверхностный стабилизатор. Поверхностный стабилизатор может представлять собой полимерный поверхностный стабилизатор, такой как гидроксиэтилкрахмал, декстран или повидон. Инъекционный состав наночастиц нейростероида может представлять соб