The invention relates to a phytotherapeutic product meant for prevention of prostate and urinary bladder diseases and to a process for preparing the same. According to the invention, the product comprises 48...53 parts of ground willowherb (Epilobium parviflora), 28...30 parts of concentrated propolis extract, 8...9 parts of dry extract of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) and willowherb concentrate and concentrated extract of spiny cocklebur (Xanthium spinosum), respectively, 0.2...0.35 parts of essential oil of thymes (Thymus vulgaris), 0.15...0.25 parts of essential oil of rosemary, as well as pharmaceutically acceptable excipients, the parts being expressed by weight. The process, as claimed by the invention, consists in mixing, in order, the active principles, by absorption, on willowherb powder support, of the standardized concentrated extracts of spiny cocklebur, willowherb and propolis, the resulting intermediate as dry powder being admixed with the concentrated rosemary extract, to result in a product as capsules, having a content of 450...600 mg/capsule, of suitable stability and bioavailability.Invenţia se referă la un produs fitoterapeutic destinat prevenirii bolilor prostatei şi ale vezicii urinare, şi la un procedeu de obţinere a acestuia. Produsul, conform invenţiei, este constituit în părţi în greutate din 48...53 părţi pufuliţă măcinată28...30 părţi extract concentrat de propolis, 8...9 părţi extract uscat de rozmarinrespectiv concentrat de pufuliţă, extract concentrat de ghimpe0,2...0,35 părţi ulei volatil de cimbru0,15...0,25 părţi ulei volatil de rozmarin, precum şi excipienţi acceptabili farmaceutic. Procedeul, conform invenţiei, constă în amestecarea în ordine a principiilor active, respectiv prin absorbţie pe suport de pulbere de pufuliţă, a extractelor concentrate standardizate de ghimpe, pufuliţă şi propolis, şi intermediarul rezultat sub formă de pulbere uscată se amestecă cu extractul concentrat de rozmarin, rezultând un produs sub formă d