A useful model refers to medicine. The training complex is used to restore the functions of the locomotor apparatus of the patient with its vertical position. It contains a frame, means of fixation of the patient, a drive for the legs of the patient, made in the form of platforms for the feet, and the means of fixing the patient contain foot supports, knee joints, a pelvis fixer, a belt retainer, a chest retainer. Two vertically oriented stands are mounted on the frame, to which detachable knee-holders are detachably connected, mounted on each post with the possibility of adjusting their position in the longitudinal direction, along the width and height of the post, and to which the platforms for the stop supports, which are (optionally) the possibility of adjusting their position in (height) width on the platforms (racks), and with the possibility of a return movement in the horizontal direction, the pelvic lock and the chest retainer are connected to a vertically oriented post and are platforms with fixing belts of dense material with Velcro Velcro on the free ends. These racks are mounted with the ability to swing relative to the upper point of their attachment to the frame in parallel directions. Across the direction of rocking of these pillars on the frame, an axle with two cranks is rotationally mounted, each of which is hingedly connected to one of the said pillars for synchronizing the movement of these pillars and adjusting the length of the step. On the frame above the points of articulation of the above-mentioned racks for their rocking, an arc-shaped planar and horizontally arranged with a soft covering a supporting platform, which performs the function of armrests, and fixed adjustable for bias in the direction of the patients palm restraints and the pelvic lock. 5 ill.Полезная модель относится к медицине. Тренажерный комплекс применяется для восстановления функций опорно-двигательного аппарата пациента при вертикальном его положении. Он содержит раму,