The invention relates to a method for hybrid elastography (P), comprising the following steps: - applying a continuous low-frequency vibration, and generating (CW), using an ultrasonic transducer in contact with the viscoelastic medium, a first series of ultrasound acquisitions, said first series of ultrasound acquisitions comprising groups of ultrasound acquisitions, which groups of ultrasound acquisitions are generated at a first repetition rate, each group of ultrasound acquisitions comprising at least one acquisition, and the continuous vibration generating an elastic wave inside the viscoelastic medium; and - applying a low-frequency pulse, and generating (TI), using the ultrasonic transducer, a second series of ultrasound acquisitions, the ultrasound acquisitions which make up the second series being generated at a second repetition rate, the low-frequency pulse generating a transient shear wave propagating inside the viscoelastic medium; and the continuous vibration applied by the first vibrator being stopped before the application of the low-frequency pulse.