Obshchestvo s ogranichennoj otvetstvennostyu "Tsentr vosstanovitelnoj meditsiny i reabilitatsii "PARATSELS"
Shcherbakova Elena Borisovna,Щербакова Елена Борисовна,Shkatov Dmitrij Anatolevich,Шкатов Дмитрий Анатольевич,Chirkova Svetlana Leonidovna,Чиркова Светлана Леонидовна,Prosolov Aleksandr Borisovich,Про
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: active upper limbs exploration is performed by gymnastics and massage in the form of stages after radical mastectomy. First, gymnastics of upper limbs with or without weights is performed twice a day for 15-20 min in sitting and standing initial position (IP). Then - for spine cervico-thoracic, collar area 1-2 times a day for 10-15 minutes, in sitting or standing IP. Next - active, active-passive or passive carpal gymnastics 2-3 times a day for 15-20 minutes in IP of sitting at the table, hands on the table. Shoulder, elbow and radiocarpal joints, limited in motions, are influenced by abduction, flexion or extension. For this purpose, patient lies on a horizontal surface, the upper limb is laid in the abduction position on the surgery side, as it is possible due to pain, fixed by soft weights in the radiocarpal joint area and the oxter area, up to 40 minutes in this position. Then, the hand is spread in the flexion of the shoulder joint and fixed by soft weights, up to 20-30 minutes in this position. If the elbow joint motions are limited, laying on its flexion, extension is performed in the following positions: palmar surface upward, back surface upward, with position fixation. If the wrist joint motions are limited, laying on its flexion and extension is performed with the position fixation for 15-20 minutes, in the IP of sitting at the table with soft surface. Then, mechanotherapy is performed for 15-30 min by apparatus for flexion and extension development of the shoulder, elbow, radiocarpal joints, the flexion angle increase is not more than 5 degrees per day. The result is fixed for 2-3 sessions. After the course of layings and meachanotherapy, if liquorrhea, heat are absent, massage of the upper limb and the rear surface of the collar area is performed, continuing gymnastics daily 2-3 times a day. Breathing exercises are additionally performed.EFFECT: method ensures acceleration of health and vocational rehabilitation processes, ena