A drug delivery device includes a housing having a rigid base with a surfacedefining at leastone pressure communication channel or aperture, which distributes a negativefluid pressureacross the base that draws the tissue against the base. The device may furtherinclude aporous, adhesive layer disposed over the pressure communication channel(s) oraperture(s),for adhesively attaching the device to tissue, which distribute a negativefluid pressure acrossthe adhesive layer, to draw the tissue against the adhesive layer. The devicemay furtherinclude a pressure sensor for determining whether the device is properlyattached to the bodytissue by the adhesive layer. Further, at least one bladder may be usedinstead of the porous,adhesive layer for adhesively attaching the device to tissue. The bladder, ina partially inflatedor expanded state, can apply constant pressure across the contact surface asit conforms to thecontour of the tissue when the device is applied to the tissue thereby causinga flexibleadhesive layer attached to the bottom thereof to conform to the contour of thetissue andadhere thereto. The subsequent evacuation of the bladder causes it to deflateand collapse orretract against the base, thereby causing the flexible adhesive layer, whichis adhered to thetissue, to pull the tissue toward the base, thereby stretching the tissue.