Use a formula to develop an injection drug that minimizes inflammation at the site of antibody injection, where the formula understands antibody 2H7 and antibody and polyvinyl chloride variants (PVP)
Method to minimize inflammation at the injection site that includes adding a composition containing a macromolecule from 5% to 20% of PVP; formulation comprising a dammusuBody; use the 2H7 Antibody to treat cancer.<;p>;Mé;todo para reducir al mí;nimo la inflamació;n en el sitio de la inyecció;n porque comprende agregar una composició;n que contiene una macromolé;cula de 5% a 20% de PVP; formulació;n que comprende un anticuerpo; uso del anticuerpo 2H7 para tratar cá;ncer.<;/p>;