This relates to a manual lawn mower designed areas such as sickle or a lawn shears. Beolcho and gardens of oxygen, Lotta is still an example of using a scythe in to remove such weeds grow better and nongro is geotyieoseo focused on the harvest of grain, jjuguri sit this way and then holding a full general, weeds removed, The danger is not easy even for beginners, work tired, and if there are inefficient. This is designed, as a shape similar to the iron golf club, and the goal is to make you stand just mowing wielding lightly with one hand, as its solution, the blade is to use the lightweight and compact as a disposable blade or scraper Carter, the Create a blade mounting bracket for mounting the blade, place the blade and through the three screw holes in the base, tighten a screw and a nut and bolt fixing the upper blade and the rest, you can work a person stand at an oblique angle to the handle shaft put in place a long length [a representative], right hand holding the handle with one hand, if the swing towards the weeds on the land value down from right to left, such as a golf swing, by the blade and the circular motion speed weeds yeriseong The truncated to go and is as tough and full of long grass, swinging toward the ground by using the ground as a chopping board and be beyond aphids on the ground, so as to cut the vegetables into a format cutters pecking at the kitchen knife. Such as sickle blades or grass shears, often it becomes dull, because some drawbacks that need to transfer them to hone those in the present invented in circulation as a bargain even better than the polished, using a high intensity of the disposable blade as the blade scraper If the Saints are convenient for busy working on management tools.본 고안은, 낫이나 잔디 가위 등의 수동식 예초기 분야에 관한 것이다.산소의 벌초나 정원, 농로 등에 자라는 잡초 등을 제거하는 데에 있어서 낫을 사용하는 예가 지금도 많은데 낫은 곡식의 수확에 중점을 둔 것이어서, 쭈구리고 앉아서 풀을 잡고 하는 방식이 일반적이어서, 잡초 제거에는 초보자에게는 쉽지 않고 위험하기도 하며, 작업이 피곤하고 비능률적인 면이 있다. 본 고안은, 아이언 골프채와 유사한 형상으로서, 서서 한 손으로 가볍게 휘두르는 것만