this invention consists of a cover multistar for horticulture is a black and white movie double metallise stopping solar radiation needed to photosynthese of weeds and provides some past and consider a ground supported growth and light the photosyntheses culture.mulching for horticulture multistar pushes the insects that cause more damage to crops and appears to be attractive for beneficial insects as pollinators.CETTE INVENTION CONSISTE EN UN PAILLAGE MULTISTAR POUR HORTICULTURE QUI EST UN FILM A DOUBLE FACE NOIR/BLANC METALLISE QUI STOPPE LES RADIATIONS SOLAIRES NECESSAIRES A LA PHOTOSYNTHESE DES ADVENTICES ET PERMET UN CERTAIN RECHAUFFEMENT DU TERRAIN ET REFLECHIT UNE LUMIERE FAVORABLE A LA CROISSANCE ET A LA PHOTOSYNTHESES DE LA CULTURE. LE PAILLAGE MULTISTAR POUR HORTICULTURE REPOUSSE LES INSECTES QUI CAUSENT PLUS DE DOMMAGES AUX CULTURES ET SEMBLE ATTRAYANT POUR LES INSECTES UTILES TELS QUE LES POLLINISATEURS.