1. Composition containing non-replicating probiotic microorganisms intended for use in the prevention or treatment of upper respiratory tract infections and / or their symptoms. The composition according to claim 1, intended for administration to children. The composition according to any one of paragraphs. 1-2, in which the upper respiratory tract infection is selected from the group consisting of rhinitis, rhinosinusitis, rhinopharyngitis, pharyngitis, epiglottitis, laryngitis, laryngotracheitis, tracheitis or combinations thereof, and the symptoms are selected from the group consisting of cough, sore throat, secretions from the nose, nasal congestion, headache, weak manifestations of fever, sensation of pressure in the face, sneezing, and combinations thereof. 4. The composition according to any one of paragraphs. 1-2, intended for use in order to protect children from upper respiratory tract infections. 5. The composition according to any one of paragraphs. 1-2, intended for use in order to strengthen the child's ability to fight infections of the upper respiratory tract. 6. The composition according to any one of paragraphs. 1-2, intended for use in order to reduce the duration of upper respiratory tract infections. 7. The composition according to any one of paragraphs. 1-2, intended to be used to promote less frequent acquisition of upper respiratory tract infections by children. 8. The composition according to any one of paragraphs. 1-2, containing non-replicating probiotic microorganisms in an amount corresponding to from about 10 to 10 CFU. 9. The composition according to any one of paragraphs. 1-2, in which non-replicating probiotic microorganisms are brought into a non-replicating state by heat treatment, preferably by high-temperature treatment for at least1. Композиция, содержащая нереплицирующиеся пробиотические микроорганизмы, предназначенная для применения в целях профилактики или терапии инфекций верхних дыхательных путей и/или их симптомов.2. Компо