According to the present invention, electrolysis is performed on water such as tap water and neutral hydrogen-rich water having antibacterial and antimycotic effects is obtained as a result. Two divided containers are provided so that the neutral hydrogen-rich water can be used for the cleaning of personal articles such as toothbrushes and false teeth or the inside of a mouth can be cleaned with the neutral hydrogen-rich water. As a result, the present invention has a simple configuration, can be easily manufactured, and is capable of contributing to personal hygiene by means of gargling as well as the personal articles. According to the present invention, the neutral hydrogen-rich water containing active hydrogen, active oxygen, and chlorite is generated with an electrolysis device such that the cleaning can be performed and the antibacterial and antimycotic effects can be obtained as described above and the neutral hydrogen-rich water is used for cleaning and hygiene purposes. Accordingly, the cleaning and antibacterial effects can be further enhanced even without any additional additive such as a cleaning agent and an antibacterial agent being added to water and any additional equipment being used. According to the present invention, the electrolyzed neutral hydrogen-rich water is used without any chemical, and thus environmental pollutants resulting from the production of existing chemicals are not generated and the cleaning, antibacterial, and antimycotic effects can be achieved in an environmentally-friendly way.본 발명은 수돗물과 같은 물을 전기분해하여 항균과 항진균 효과가 있는 중성 수소수를 얻고, 이 중성 수소수로 의치나 칫솔과 같은 개인용품을 세정하거나 중성 수소수로 입안을 청결하게 할 수 있게 두 개의 용기를 나눠서 구성하므로, 구성이 간단하여 제조가 쉬우면서도 개인용품뿐만 아니라 구강 청결을 통해 개인위생을 청결하게 유지할 수 있게 한 것이다. 특히, 본 발명은 이처럼 세정과 함께 항균 및 항진균을 작용할 수 있도록 전기분해 장치로 활성 수소, 활성 산소 및 아염소를 포함한 중성 수소수를 생성하여 세정과 청결에 사용하므로, 별도로 세정제나 항균제와 같은 첨가물을 물에 추가하거나 별도의 추가 장비가 없이도 세정과 항균 효과를 더욱 높일 수 있게 한 것이다. 또한, 본 발명은 화학제재 없이 물을 전기분해 중성 수소수를 사용하므로 기존 화학 제재 등을 제작할 때 생기는 환경오염 물질 등이 발생하지 않아 친환경