Способ электрохимического воздействия для локализации и лечения онкологических заболеваний путём принудительного перераспределения электронной энергии в центральной нервной системе к очагу заболевания
1. A method of electrochemical treatment for localization and treatment of cancer by forced redistribution of the electron energy in the central nervous system to the site of disease, consisting in that the electrochemical action is carried out under the influence of electric charge on the tumor using a platinum electrode as an anode and a cathode connected to electrochemical lysis unit, and characterized in that the electrochemical action is carried out in the redistribution RE constant energy of the central nervous system in the patient body under the action of a positive electromagnetic field of the anode electrode is made of silver (or gold, copper, and carbon graphite) installed in a cancer tumor and is connected to the positive bus DC source with a tap obtained at the anode the electrons on the cathode electrodes stainless steel, disposed in the electrolytic bath and connected to the negative bus DC toka.2. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that the electrochemical effect of redistribution of electron energy from the central nervous system under the influence of the electromagnetic field of the anode electrode to localize the cancer is performed with the control value of the membrane biopotential diseased cell membrane relative to the magnitude of the measured biopotential healthy kletki.3. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that the electrochemical effect of redistribution of electron energy from the central nervous system under the influence of the electromagnetic field of the anode electrode to localize Cancer1. Способ электрохимического воздействия для локализации и лечения онкологических заболеваний путем принудительного перераспределения электронной энергии в центральной нервной системе к очагу заболевания, заключающийся в том, что электрохимическое воздействие осуществляется под действием электрического заряда на опухоль с использованием платиновых электродов в виде анода и катода, подключенных к аппарату электрохимического лизиса, и отлича