The invention relates to a lens that has an extended focal range, said lens consisting of a solid material. The optical surfaces of the lens are transparent, and the lens has a refractive index distribution. According to the invention, the refractive index distribution FG of the lens (1) with respect to a plane that is perpendicular to the optical axis (10) changes between a refractive index base value FL that is not equal to zero and a maximum value FSmax as a function of the radial height r and the azimuth angle phi of the aperture. Thus, the refractive index distribution results from FG(r,phi) = FL + FS (r,phi), with the spiral-shaped refractive index portion FS(r,phi) = FS max(r) w(phi), wherein FSmax(r) is nonlinearly dependent on the radius and w(phi) is a factor for the refractive index portion with a spiral curve.