Ariletinilo derived Compounds, substituted receptors mGluR5 modulators; extraction process; Pharmaceutical Composition and its use in the Treatment or prevention of schizophrenia.Cognitive disease, Fragile X Syndrome or autism.
Compounds derived from ariletinilo, receptors mGluR5 modulators; production process; Pharmaceutical Composition and its use in the Treatment or prevention of schizophrenia.Cognitive diseases, Autism or Fragile X Syndrome.<;p>;COMPUESTOS DERIVADOS DE ARILETINILO DE FORMULA I MODULADORES DE RECEPTORES MGLUR5; COMPOSICIÓ;N FARMACÉ;UTICA; PROCEDIMIENTO DE PREPARACIÓ;N; Y USO EN EL TRATAMIENTO O PREVENCIÓ;N DE LA ESQUIZOFRENIA, ENFERMEDADES COGNITIVAS, SÍ;NDROME DE X FRÁ;GIL O EL AUTISMO.<;br />; ;<;/p>;