An Intra-ocular implant (5) to hold an AIOL in patient's eye is provided. It comprises mainly a central bag like structure optic (5a) and the peripheral supporting structures haptics (5b). The haptics (5b) are joined to the optic (5a) at Optic-Haptic Junctions (5c). The optic (5a) resembles to a bag having two distinct circular surfaces joined together at their periphery creating a hollow inner space to accommodate an AIOL (4); and anterior one of the said two surfaces has a central orifice (5e) of sufficient diameter for insertion and holding of AIOL (4) in the inner hollow space of optic (5). The dimeter of central orifice (5e) may be suitably adapted to accommodate entrance of such an injector inside the hollow inner space for placing AIOL (4). This intra-ocular implant is injected by the surgeon in patient's eye where the natural capsular bag (2) is torn /ruptured or is absent. The haptics (5b) of the intra-ocular implant (5) sit snugly in the ciliary sulcus (1) and the hollow inner space of optic (5a) provides bag like space to implant the planned AIOL (4). The folded AIOL (4) is inserted into the inner hallow space of the intra-ocular implant (5) through the central orifice (5e) which thereafter get unfolded by expanding in circular dimension to take its intended circular shape. However, the rigid AIOL can also be manoeuvred inside the hollow space by adopting the stretchable material for building the optic.L'invention porte sur un implant intra-oculaire (5) permettant de maintenir une AIOL dans l'œil d'un patient. Il comprend principalement une optique de structure de type sac central (5a) et les haptiques structures de support périphériques (5b). Les haptiques (5b) sont reliés à l'optique (5a) au niveau de jonctions optique-haptique (5c). L'optique (5a) ressemble à un sac ayant deux surfaces circulaires distinctes jointes l'une à l'autre au niveau de leur périphérie, créant un espace interne creux pour recevoir une AOL (4); et l'une des deux surfaces antérie