Георгиеш Дмитрий Николаевич (UA),Львов Кирилл Вячеславович (RU),Потапов Юрий Семенович (RU)
1. An apparatus for treating disease using human bioelectrical own potential, comprising pulse generator, an amplifier, a memory unit, the electrode group setting unit and regulating the frequency indicator diagnostic unit, the analyzer and the frequency controller, the output of the memory unit is connected to a first input pulse generator, pulse generator output coupled to an input of the amplifier, the first amplifier output is connected to the electrode group, the second pulse generator input and the first input of the analyzer, and the second in amplifier stroke - the first input of the indicator, the output of the frequency regulator connected to the input setting unit, and the frequency regulation, the first output reference and the frequency control unit is connected to the third input of the pulse generator, and the second output reference and the frequency control unit - to the second input of the indicator, with this group of electrodes connected to an input diagnostics unit, wherein the diagnostic unit output is connected to a second input of the analyzer, the analyzer output is connected to the third input indikatora.2. The apparatus according to claim. 1, which comprises rezhimov.3 switch. The apparatus according to claim. 2, which comprises four pin connector, and a group of electrodes includes four elektroda.4. The apparatus according to claim. 3, wherein the first two electrodes are made of a magnesium-aluminum alloy, and the second two electrodes made of medi.5. A method of treating diseases using own bioelectric potential human comprising performing diagnostics own bioelectrical human and send a frequency of 0.1-10 Hz back into the body, wherein1. Устройство для лечения заболеваний с использованием собственного биоэлектрического потенциала человека, содержащее генератор импульсов, усилитель, блок памяти, группу электродов, блок задания и регулирования частот, индикатор, блок диагностики, анализатор и регулятор частоты, при этом выход блока памяти