The invention relates to the treatment of vaginal mycoses, bacterialvaginoses, and otherforms of the vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina). Used externally for thispurpose inaccordance with the invention is clinoptilolite having a particle size ofbetween 0.2 andim in the treatment of these vaginal disorders in mammals and humans, and alsoforrestoring the healthy vaginal microbiota.The clinoptilolite may be used with one or more of the following adjuvants:pharmaceutically acceptable carrier materials, viable microorganisms and/orextractsthereof, nutrients for the healthy vaginal microbiota (e.g. lactose, etc.),substances whichfavorably influence the vaginal environment for the healthy vaginal microbiota(e.g.estradiol, organic acids, etc.).The composition used may be applied locally, preferably in one of thefollowingadministration forms: foam, suppository, vaginal tablet, ovule, gel, aerosol,powder, rinse,douche, cream/ointment, suspension.