A new and distinct Echeveria cultivar named ‘Sahara’ is disclosed, characterized by excellent resistance to stressors, including excellent resistance to both heat and cold and constant exposure to the sun, making it an excellent landscape plant. The new cultivar displays enhanced disease resistance as compared to other Echeverias, in particular to the pathogens Rhizoctonia, Fusarium, and Powdery Mildew. Echeveria ‘Sahara’ is more easily and rapidly propagated due to robust growth and enhanced resistance to stressors. In addition, the new cultivar ‘Sahara’ offsets profusely, quickly forming clumps, enabling increased and faster propagation. The new cultivar produces larger flowers, compared to many other Echeveria cultivars. The new variety is an Echeveria, part of the Crassulaceae complex that includes Pachyphytum, Graptopetalum, Sedum and others. Echeveria is a popular genus, typically produced as container plants or landscape plants.