The present disclosure relates to novel dressings containing polysulfated oligosaccharides having sustained release of the active ingredients. It also relates to a method for the preparation thereof, this method including a treatment step with ethylene oxide. It further relates to the uses thereof for wound care and the treatment and/or prevention of scars and stretch marks.<;p>;APÓ;SITO PARA HERIDAS QUE COMPRENDE UNA INTERFAZ MICRO-ADHESIVA, DONDE LA INTERFAZ COMPRENDE OLIGOSACÁ;RIDOS POLISULFATADOS CON 1-4 MONOSACÁ;RIDOS; PROCEDIMIENTO DE PREPARACIÓ;N; USO PARA LA DESBRIDACIÓ;N O CICATRIZACIÓ;N DE HERIDAS, Y EN LA PREVENCIÓ;N Y TRATAMIENTO DE ESTRÍ;AS.<;/p>;