Has a function to adjust the [problem] in length, it can be easily attached to the wheelchair, and, desorption from the wheelchair is also easy, which can push the wheelchair with one hand, to the wheelchair of various dimensions also pushed for the horizontal rod can cope, and to provide a horizontal wheelchair for the hand. Structure of A hand for lateral rod 10, the two fixed belts 5a, the first fitting portion 1a to 5b is supplied with the first pipe 2 is disposed, the first a first transverse rod portion to the tip portion to the coupling adjusting portion 4 of the pipe 2 is disposed, two fixed belt 5c, the second fitting portion 1b 5d is supplied with the second pipe 3 is arranged and pushed for the horizontal rod, which is composed of a second transverse rod portion that has been.FIELD 1【課題】長さを調整する機能を有し、車椅子への装着が容易で、かつ、車椅子からの脱着も容易であり、車椅子を片手で押すことが可能な、各種寸法の車椅子にも対応できる手押し用横杆、および手押し用横杆付車椅子を提供する。【解決手段】手押し用横杆10の構造は、2個の固定用ベルト5a、5bが付属された第1の勘合部1aから、第1のパイプ2が配置され、第1のパイプ2の先端部に結合調節部4が配置された第1の横杆部と、2個の固定用ベルト5c、5dが付属された第2の勘合部1bから、第2のパイプ3が配置された第2の横杆部とで構成された手押し用横杆とする。【選択図】図1