Device for the detachment of parietal thrombi from a body vessel with a catheter (1), along its longitudinal extension of the catheter being provided at least one catheter section (2), in whose assignable catheter wall at least one opening is made of wall that completely crosses the catheter wall, the catheter wall being composed along at least one catheter section (2) of an elastically deformable material, characterized in that the at least one wall opening is made in the form of a slit of separation (3) that helically surrounds the catheter wall at least by sections along the catheter section, because the catheter (1) provides on the distal side, with respect to the helically perimetral separation slit (3), a fixing element that allows a detachable fixation of the catheter (1) in a body vessel (10), through which the catheter (1) can pass exclusively through an external mechanical force in f the shape of a torque that acts torsionally on the catheter, from a state with a relatively smaller catheter outside diameter to a state with a relatively larger catheter outside diameter by way of an elastic deformation, the separation groove widening (3) helically perimetral from a closed slit state to an open slit state, and because when the external force is suppressed the catheter (1) automatically recovers the state with the relatively smaller outer diameter of the catheter thanks to the elastic forces of replacement inherent in the material and adopting the separation groove (3) the closed groove state.Dispositivo para el desprendimiento de trombos parietales de un vaso corporal con un catéter (1), previéndose a lo largo de su extensión longitudinal de catéter al menos una sección de catéter (2), en cuya pared de catéter asignable se practica al menos una abertura de pared que atraviesa completamente la pared de catéter, componiéndose la pared de catéter a lo largo de al menos una sección de catéter (2) de un material elásticamente deformable, caracterizado por que la a