1. The mobile X-ray apparatus comprising a base for placing the control unit, a power supply and coolant, and further including a hinge movable arm that supports the X-ray applicator comprising an X-ray tube, said X-ray applicator is attached to the base, the X-ray tube includes target for generating X-ray beam, and a collimator for shaping the generated X-ray beam, wherein the distance between the target and the collimator find Xia in the range from 4 to 10, see 2. Mobile X-ray machine according to Claim. 1, wherein the target and the collimator in X-ray tube has a substantially cylindrical shape having a longitudinal axis, wherein the direction of propagation of the X-ray beam is substantially parallel to said longitudinal osi.3. Mobile X-ray machine according to Claim. 1 or 2, wherein the collimator is provided with means for automatic identification, adapted to generate a signal to the control unit representing characteristics kollimatora.4. Mobile X-ray machine according to claim. 3, wherein the collimator is inserted into the socket, having a resistive path, the collimator is provided with protrusions, adapted to interact with the resistive slot by generating said signala.5. Mobile X-ray machine according to claim. 4, wherein the collimator is removable, and the X-ray apparatus includes a set of collimators identifikatsii.6 provided with respective means. Mobile X-ray machine according to any one of claims. 1,2, 4, 5, provided with a signaling means indicating n1. Мобильный рентгеновский аппарат, включающий в себя основание для размещения блока управления, источника питания и охладителя, и дополнительно включающий в себя шарнирный перемещаемый рычаг, поддерживающий рентгеновский аппликатор, содержащий рентгеновскую трубку, причем упомянутый рентгеновский аппликатор присоединен к основанию, рентгеновская трубка включает в себя мишень для генерации рентгеновского луча, и коллиматор для придания формы генерируемому рентгеновскому лучу, при этом расстояние между м